Coaching Services

Inhabit your being. Inhabit your life. Inhabit your power.

Our sessions are a collaborative container of depth, vulnerability, brainstorming, intuitive connection, and “aha!” moments. This simple yet powerful dance is at times led by you, sometimes by me, and other times, by a stream of co-creation that can only be described as the coaching relationship.

Typically, we meet weekly or biweekly by phone, video, or in-person for up to 90 minutes. Text and email support is available should something arise in between our sessions. I may at times suggest exercises, goals, or action steps for you, though our meetings are deeply rooted in the present experience as a shepard to your own wisdom, insight, power and truth. This alone can be an effortless prompting into the action of your highest good. 

Coaching is a highly personalized service and an investment in yourself and your future. It is my deepest desire that coaching is an accessible resource for you. I truly believe in the profundity of this relationship in every facet of your life. Reach out for a free session to customize a coaching plan that is compatible with your individual needs and goals.